CPS Kazzinc Kazakhstan

We feel a need to show projects that did not succeed because of the potential to learn from them. This is such a project. Kazzinc mine in Kazakhstan had the requirement to develop 17m long blind rises but were having very poor success. This lead to the trial of our patented CPS rise design. Well on site it was obvious that neither their drilling, explosive product, boosters or systems were of the standard required for the new method to work. By that time it was too late to stop the trial. Wet holes were not seen as a problem for the aluminised ANFO. Drilling feed back regarding the two 1 meter wide clay layers were not deemed important enough to note and inform. The TNT and ANFO based packaged was not able to retain the detonators as they would keep falling out. A wooden platform was built in situ to reach and load the upholes. Disregarding the advice to cancel the trial the CPS was fired with 4 out of 6 blast holes misfiring and the rise failing.

Lessons learnt, No matter how good a method or system is, some mines are just not ready yet.

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